"Let my servant William go and proclaim my everlasting gospel with a loud voice, and with great joy.............."
Doctrine & Covenants 124:88

Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday, September 30,2013

Hey family,

Thanks again for all the birthday wishes, cards and such. And Happy Birthday to Verna and Roy and Zoe today!

I don´t want Zoe to grow up anymore before I get home! She´s not even a baby anymore, and she probably prounces ´chocolate milk´correctly by now. Sad. I love her so much. Tell her that I miss her and ´I need her`.. haha

Things here are great! It´s been raining a lot, but the weather is warming up. Next week is the transfer, so I don´t know what will happen yet. Elder Cerda and I are working really well together. He´s a really cool guy. He´s studying to be a doctor. He´s already done 5 years of medical school. He spent 7 years outside of the church, or inactive. He started going to church again and left on a mission the same time as his younger brother. (His brother is serving in Brasil too). He has a very strong testimony. 

President Pinho said that we have 1 hour and a half now to email, so that´s pretty cool. Starting next week. 

I´m very excited to hear the words of a living prophet next week. General Conference is a special time to receive revelation for our own lives. I testify that Christ really lives. I´ve felt His love for me in His service. It´s amazing that suffered such a great price for all of us sinners, and just as incredible that Heavenly Father gave his only begotten son for us. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and I love all of you. Have a great week! And please tell Kenzee to drive safe going back and forth from college!

Love, Will

Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Birthday to me.....September 23, 2013


I´m very blessed for all of the great people in my life. Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes! It´s going to be great day! B-day on P-day is a blessing. I´m gonna buy some groceries and clean the house a little bit and take a little nap. What more could I ask for? I opened the package, it was great. The Brasileiro, Chileno, e Peruano gostam de Oreos, Skittles and Beef Jerky haha My housemates are happy too! I haven´t gotten the other yet.

Thank you very, very much. I feel so old. Since when does 20 years pass by so fast? Fazer o qué, né?

Sounds like it was a good week, too bad for the Cougs. How´s Wyoming this year?

I love you all and so grateful for the positive influences I have in my life. I´m so grateful for everything the Lord has given me. I´m happy to give a little bit of my time in His service. President Pinho says that these 2 years are 2 seconds in the eyes of God. I´m seeing how true that is. Love you all, let´s take advantage of everyday that we live!

Elder Barker


Friday, September 20, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hey Family!

Thanks for the emails! Mom, don´t worry, the first email with Bridger and Mia worked. But it was nice to get the other too :)

Mavis flew home?! I don´t believe it! Que maravilhosa hahah I´m happy for Zozo.

Sounds exciting, football and hunting season. That hunt that Ben went to sounds pretty cool. Kayden was saying that there were some big time hunters there recently and they were pulling huge elk. That has to be hard for Kayden to see!

I had some great experiences this week. We worked really hard. We decided to raise our vision. We talked with EVERYONE in the streets. Saturday night I was exhausted and it was like 800 at night. It was a rough day and we were heading back to the house, and it was just like those stories you hear. We wanted to try one more house. It was a referral from the other missionaries. It was a family of four and the accepted the baptismal invitation. It really was a special experience. It reminded me that the Lord is in charge of the work and we are just instruments in his hands. I love you all and I´ll talk to you soon!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hey Family!

Good to hear from you! Não esquenta sobre a email semana passada. Tudo tranquilo. Don´t worry about the email last week, I know that you guys are busy. I´m doing really well. There´s not really a whole lot to report on. I still don´t have an iPad... I think it´ll be a while until we get them. But that´s super cool. I have a referral for Meg already. 

Good to hear about football and hunting season! I think it´s my favorite part of the year. Go Red Devils. And that was a sweet win Cougs.

I´m excited to hear about Grandma and Grandpa´s mission call. The more missionaries in the family, the better. Right?

I´m glad your birthday was good Mom. Sorry I couldn´t be there...;)

My testimony gets stronger everyday here. I really am gaining a testimony of our Savior. I know that Jesus is the Christ. He really lived a perfect life and He still lives today. His sacrifice was perfect and it is infinite. The atonement is sufficient for all of our weaknesses and faults and sins. All of our problems can be solved through him.

Love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Barker


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

Hey family,

Hope all is going well back home. How was the first week of school? Jesse liking High School? How was your birthday mom? I heard that the U.S. is going to attack Syria or something? What´s that all about? I´m just happy that I´m a missionary and don´t even have to worry about all that stuff.

This week was really awesome. We had a Mission Conference, Multi-zone conference and a meeting with all of the Bishops and Ward mission leaders too. It was a full week of meetings and activities. President Pinho said that our mission is one of the smallest in size now, but we have more than 6 million people in our mission still. That´s a lot of lost sheep. I´m learning so much lately and I think I´m really improving as a missionary and as a person. The water ran out on our street on Saturday, so that´s been humbling. It still hasn´t come back, so we might have to go to the other Elders´ house and take a shower. I don´t know, we´ll see.

I had a cool experience yesterday. We were teaching a family and talking a lot about receiving an answer from the Holy Ghost. We´ve been teaching them for a couple weeks now. We were really trying to help them realize that they had already received an answer that the church was true because they are keeping commitments and liking church and everything. Anyway, we bore testimony and there was a little pause. And then Leticia, she´s 14, said, I think I just got my answer... It was super cool. The two girls want to be baptized now, but the parents are still a little bit resistent. I´ll keep you updated on them.

Love you all and hope that you have a great week! The time always flies by fast, but remember that it´s always flying by with opportunities. Stay close to the scriptures and Preach My Gospel. PMG is not just for missionaries! The chapters can be applied in any part of life. Use the sections for anything and everything.

Até Mais!!! Elder Barker