Hello Everyone!
Hope all is going well back home. Everything is fantastic
here. I had a great P-day. We got to go to the temple and get a lot of other
stuff done at the residence and stuff. We have TRC tonight, where we teach
members that speak Portuguese. It's also really cool. Last week we had a couple
from Sao Paulo and they were super nice. Our teacher said they'll probably have
more Brazilians there tonight so I'm excited. Thank you so much for all the
letters and packages! I love getting anything you send. I have so much candy
and cinnamon rolls and stuff, I can't help but feel loved (even if I'm not) ;).
Sounds like all the kids are doing good. They're all champs. How's Dad doing?
Haven't heard a whole lot from him. We got to host for the first time this
week. That was pretty fun. One of the Elders I hosted was from Colorado. I
could kind of tell that there was something a little bit different with his
family when we were at the car. The parents weren't exactly thrilled to be
there and it just felt different. Well, after talking to him for a little while
I found out that he had gone to the University of Wyoming and joined the church
there about a year and a half ago. He is the only member in his family and his
parents weren't very excited about him going on a mission. He told me how he
found the church through one of his friends and he said he never thought he'd
be serving a mission. He's heading to Las Vegas, English speaking. He's an
awesome guy and I was glad I got to meet him. It made me realize how good I've
had it all my life and how blessed I am to have a family that supports me and
raised me in the church. It's also a testament to the reality and truthfulness
of this gospel. That a 20 or 21 year old guy that has no reason to be serving a
mission is leaving everything behind for two years to go share the gospel. So
that was a really cool experience. Let's see... Dave Evans came and spoke to us
on Tuesday. He's on the Missionary Board with Elder Holland and Elder Nelson.
He gave a great talk and presentation about faith and miracles, especially on a
mission. I also sang in the choir for that devotional. It was a really cool
experience. We sang 'Lead Kindly Light'. I wasn't very familiar
with that song, but after practicing it for a few days it became one
of my favorites. It has a wonderful message about giving up our own will and
desires to follow Christ. The chorus says 'Lead thou me on',
it's a great song. We also got a new MTC Presidency this last week.
We have President Nally, 1st counselor President Hacking and then President
Roach. They're all very impressive men. We had 19 missionaries from our Zone
get reassigned this week. It's a mix of West Virginia, Alabama, New York City,
Tampa, Florida, and Oklahoma City. So they're all over the place. They leave on
Monday and Tuesday. If I get my reassignment at the same time they did then it
should be in about 12 days. I finally saw Wade Eyre this week so that was
sweet. He's been here for two and a half weeks and I just barely saw him.
Justin Covington is here too so it's always fun to see them. Isaac comes over
to my residence sometimes at night so we get to see each other pretty often.
He's doing really well. He's a district leader and his Spanish seems to be
coming along pretty good. So I don't know if I told you about Greg Olson, but
he came and spoke to us around Christmas. He's a really famous artist. All of
his paintings are awesome. I want you to go look up some of them. I think my
favorite is one of Christ laying down looking up at the stars, it's really
neat. I think you all would like it. Oh yeah, I guess Ashlyn Jorgensen got her
call. She's going to New Jersey, Morristown Spanish speaking, I think. She
reports May 1. I'm excited for her! Well I'm out of time. I'll talk to you all
soon. Mom, do you need anything from me? The picture and scripture work out all
good? Just let me know if not. Love you all!
Elder Barker