Dear family,
How are all of you? Sounds like the regional conference was
pretty cool. Getting ready for Halloween festivities? I´m doing fantastic in my
new area. I´m in Vila Natal (Christmas Village) with E. Fisher. We live with
the Stake President, he´s also a great guy. I couldn´t ask for anything more. I
can´t think of a better way to finish my mission. We´re already having a lot of
success together.
Elder Fisher is from Houston, Texas, but he actually lived
in Evanston when he was really little. He says he has family there, Van
Langens? I didn´t recognize the name, but maybe you will. He´s very talented,
he plays piano and sang in the BYU men´s choir. We get along really well.
Yesterday, we had a surprise at sacrament meeting. Paulo, a
guy that we taught one time showed up at church all on his own. His brother
(Moisés) is a member, but didn´t go on Sunday. So, Paulo went walking by
himself. He´s only 18, but he´s really intelligent. He used to go to a
different church, but said he prayed last night and felt that he should go. He
loved church, went to an FHE last night and we have another appointment with
him tonight. He said that he´s had trouble with the word of wisdom lately and
that he had been feeling guilty. But he felt a feeling of peace and tranquility
at the church. He gladly accepted a baptismal date. We´re going to teach the
rest of his family tonight, including Moisés.
I could go on and on about the great people that we´re
teaching, but it´s sufficient to say that the Lord is preparing His children.
The elect of the Lord really recognize us as representatives of Jesus Christ. I
could do this for the rest of my life. I love this work.
Heavenly Father loves all of His children. It truly is
The work goes on!
Love, Elder Barker
Elder Fisher |
Baptism, last area |
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