"Let my servant William go and proclaim my everlasting gospel with a loud voice, and with great joy.............."
Doctrine & Covenants 124:88
Doctrine & Covenants 124:88
Monday, December 8, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Querido Família,
Só falta dois dias! Estou muito animado ver todos vocês.
Can´t wait to see you all. Any last requests? Did you get
the email from E. Dean? I´ll be arriving in SLC at 10:27 am on Wednesday.
So, Dean asked if I could get some brazilian clothes for his
kids. I´ll do my best, but there is not really `traditional` clothes, I´ll try
to get some indian stuff.
Love you all. Just got out of my interview with Pres.
Dalton. Pretty crazy. See you soon!
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Monday, November 17, 2014
Dear family,
I love you all soo much. I´m excited to see you too! I´ll be
flying home on the 25th and I´ll get there on the 26th. So, don´t worry about a
thing ;) So Monte already got married or is engaged? I´m confused.
The weather has been great these last few weeks, it´s a
little warm for my liking, but I can´t complain.
I´ll be visiting recent converts today and on Sunday I´ll
get to go again, it´ll be really cool to see people from my past areas.
Great things are happening here and we have three baptisms
planned for this last week. It´s going to be a great way to finish my mission.
Next week, I think I´ll just send a quick message from the
office, so if there is anything you need to send, I´ll still be able to read it
next week.
One idea I had is to start inviting a lot of people to
church for the 30th of November. Use my talk as an excuse to invite people that
have never visited, it´ll be a good opportunity for them to get to know the
I love you all! I´m very excited to see you here in a few
short days :)
Monday, November 10, 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014
Dear Family,
Well we had another fantastic week. I love this work. We´re
seeing a lot of results in the ward from reactivation and retention. The bishop
couldn´t be happier. Really good things happening.
Meg´s engaged?! Good for her! That´s great, is Beau getting
close as well? I guess I´ll be home for the wedding... sweet.
We´ve had a dry, dry year here in São Paulo. It hasn´t
rained hard in a really long time, but apparently in other parts of Brasil they
are flooding. So, the area presidency sent a letter asking all members in
Brasil to participate in a special fast this weekend to ask for rain in the dry
places. It´ll be cool to be a part of it. I haven´t been affected by it, but a
lot of people go two or three days without water, get water for a couple days
and then go without again.
A mission is great because you learn to feel what others are
feeling. When investigators and recent converts go through conversion I feel it
as well. When they succeed we´re happy and when they quit we´re devestated.
It´s actually quite the emotional roller coaster. We´re teaching a family that
has gone through a lot. They love the church because it´s the only place
they´ve felt real peace. The three teenagers (Sabrina, Samara and Alex) went
to a church dance on Saturday and they said that they loved it. They had never
been to such a clean dance or had healthy fun. The gospel may seem to restrict
us sometimes, but it really does set us free. The commandments and Jesus Christ
are the only path of true, lasting happiness. It´s incredible.
Well I love y´all. (E. Fisher´s got me saying y´all)
Is it really at this point? I have to admit, it´s a little
bit hard for me to accept the fact that I´ll be leaving soon. I´m sure it´ll
sink in at some point.
See you soon!
P.s. Mom, I´ll talk to the secretary about the travel plans,
you don´t need to be concerned :)
Monday, November 3, 2014
Dear Family,
I am so very blessed. I love
you all so much. Thank you for your emails and words of support and
encouragement. A mission is really hard for some people, but it´s the easiest
thing in the world for me because I have all of you back home rooting for me! I
had an incredible week. I´m learning so much about faith. Pres. Dalton let
everyone read Calling Down the Powers of Heaven by Grant Von Harrison. I´ve
been studying it for a while now and it has really helped me exercise faith as
a principle of power. There are some things that are out of our control, but
there are many, many things that can be controlled by the powers of
heaven. Something
interesting I´ve learned is that the Lord will always try our faith. He wants
to see how bad we want it, he wants us to depend on Him, and he wants us to be
purified, be cleansed and grow in the process. Tribulations are blessings!
"And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also:
knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience;
and experience, hope" Romans 5: 3-4
I remembered Elder Uchtdorf´s talk about being grateful in all
circumstances. The Lord has a perfect plan. He is letting us participate in
this mortal life. We are already eternally indebted to Him for His son Jesus
Christ and the atonement. He has been so good to us. We should thank Him for
the good times and for the hard times. He really loves us.
We have some great people that will be baptized this weekend.
One family, specifically, is going to be very special. They are family members
of a young woman who has been going to church on her own for the last three
years. Her family just barely started to accept the church and most of them
will be baptized this weekend. Her aunt, cousin and sisters. Her parents will
just take a little longer because we had to mark their wedding this last
weekend, so they won´t be baptized until December. The church is true!Love you all!
Elder Barker
"As we act in faith we often find that the blessings of the Lord are much different than we expected, but much better than we imagined." - Elder Neil L. Anderson
I forgot to tell B-ridge happy birthday! Happy Birthday
little brother, hope you had a great one! Now you can do home teaching visits,
yess. (And go to stake dances ;) )
Love you!
Monday, October 27, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
Dear Family,
Loved the pics! Thank you for sending them. A good looking
family. Could you ask the teenage boys to stop growing so much. Jesse? Carson?
Bridger? Those aren´t the little boys that I remember.
So, I´m short on time today, but I´m loving life. I can´t
think of a better place or way to end my mission. We´re having great success.
The Lord is really blessing us and great things are happening in our ward. The
attendance got up to 110 this last weekend, which is great for this ward!
This weekend was election week in Brasil. It´s mandatory to
vote here and everyone has to go on the same day, Sunday. So, there were some
investigators that tried using that as an excuse, but we still got a good
number of people to go to sacrament meeting.
President Dalton announced a mission tour that Interlagos
will have on the 26th and 27th of November. The Area President of Brasil,
Claudio R.M. Costa is coming. How cruel. And on that same weekend, in this
stake, another general authority is coming to call the new stake president. Bad
We had success in reactivation this last week, which was
great. A woman that hasn´t gone to church in three years. We visited her on
Saturday night, and she went to church Sunday morning with her husband and kids
that aren´t members. Her name is Simone, and she said that the kids said that
they have to go to church EVERY week now. We were very happy to see them there,
and the son and husband accepted baptismal dates in November!
This is such a great work. Love you all.
Have a great week!
Temple trip with recent converts and investigators |
Monday, October 20, 2014
Dear family,
How are all of you? Sounds like the regional conference was
pretty cool. Getting ready for Halloween festivities? I´m doing fantastic in my
new area. I´m in Vila Natal (Christmas Village) with E. Fisher. We live with
the Stake President, he´s also a great guy. I couldn´t ask for anything more. I
can´t think of a better way to finish my mission. We´re already having a lot of
success together.
I could go on and on about the great people that we´re teaching, but it´s sufficient to say that the Lord is preparing His children. The elect of the Lord really recognize us as representatives of Jesus Christ. I could do this for the rest of my life. I love this work.
Elder Fisher |
Baptism, last area |
Dear Family,
So, this week is the start of my last transfer. I don´t
think I´ll be finishing my mission here in the office. I´ll most likely be
heading to a new area for these last weeks. I am very excited!
I really, really love this work. We had some great meetings
yesterday. We´re teaching a young couple that is living together, but they´re
not legally married. Their names are Rafael and Camila. The class was about the
law of chastity and the sacrament talks were great. After the meeting Camila
said, "So, to get baptized we need to get married first?" I said yes
and she replied, "Then we´re going to get married."
It was really cool because they have so many questions and
doubts and weren´t really sure if they wanted to get married. The church
meetings were perfect for their needs. I am so happy for them.
I love our savior Jesus Christ. I know that this work is
true. Joseph Smith really was a prophet.
Elder Barker
Monday, October 6, 2014
Before I forget...
I love you Kenzee and I´m very proud of you. Can´t wait to see you here in a couple of weeks.
So, a good memory about Kenzee... First of all, she´s had
many, many pets. Hermit crabs, kittens, fish, rabbits and guinea pigs. Sadly,
she never had much luck with any of them. None of those pets reached the
average life expectancy for their type. I remember one summer day, it was very,
very hot. Kenzee didn´t have much to do, so she decided to take her guinea pig,
Harry on a walk around the neighborhood in an old red wagon. It must have been
more than 100 degrees. Poor thing. About a half an hour later, Kenzee returned.
Harry did not make the trip. And so it was with Snuggles, Jo, Shy Anne, and
many others. So Brad, a voice of warning. Protect your dog!
I really love you Kenz. I hope you can feel that. I couldn´t
be happier that you will be sealed in the House of the Lord. I know that you
will receive many, many blessings because of that choice. I know that families
can be together forever. The blessings of the gospel are true.
I´ll be seeing you soon!
Dear Family,
Well, I love you all. I don´t have too much to report on. I
really liked Elder Scott´s talk. We can all do the simple things. Read, Pray,
FHE and Go to the temple. We will have the Lord´s protection. Our leaders are
called of God and this work is true!
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Dear Family,
I´m sorry that I wasn´t able to send email this week. We were running all over the place. I´m watching conference here at the stake center and it´s right by the office, so we thought we would send a quick message. If I know my family... Dad went deer hunting today with the boys? Hope everyone is still getting a dose of conference. I´m loving it. We´re three hours ahead so the priesthood session will be 9 at night. President is going to let us watch it and then sleep in until 8! I´m excited to sleep in ;) The work is going well. I´ll be sending another email on Monday, but I can´t believe Kenzee will be getting married in one week.
This is a picture of my birthday cake. Speaking of birthdays, how was it for Zoe? Did she get all she wanted? I love her! Tell Roy happy birthday too!
Love you all!

Monday, September 29, 2014
Hey mom, we don´t have time to send email right now, but
I´ll write later today... or maybe another day. I love you!
Office Elders |
Dearest Will,
Another week is here and we enjoy the blessings of life and
the gospel. This week was especially memorable with Mackenzee going
through the temple to receive your personal temple ordinances. It was
awesome. I felt the same way I felt when you went to the temple, total
happiness and joy. As parents all we really want for our kids is what the
gospel can give. No other worldly success can compare to being with your
family in the temple as a parent. I am so pleased and happy that both of
my children have made these choices in their lives. I am so blessed.
Today was a good day. We had 3 missionary farewells and I reorganized the High Priest Group Leadership in Yellow Creek Ward. Tonight me and the boys went to a bishops fireside at Bishop Wellings house and I talked with the youth about preparing for missions and making the decisions now to follow Jesus in our lives. It was a good night.
Any way the next few weeks will be exciting. We have
conference, deer hunting, Kenzee’s Wedding etc. October is going to fly
by. Jeff Lee is home in 19 days. Crazy.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Hey family! Thank you so much for the messages and the
video. Zoe is so grown up. Still a cutie-pie. President told me to reply to
you. It´s been chaos here in the office today. We had a transfer and we´re
preparing meetings for the rest of the week. 13 zones and 240 missionaries. I
haven´t had time to breathe, but I´m loving it. I got my package yesterday! I
loved it. I can´t believe you sent waffle crisps. You should have seen my
joy.Thank you so much! Don´t worry, I made my birthday cake last week and I´m
going to buy a pizza tonight. There are some members that did some stuff for me
too. So, I´m doing great!
Pres. wanted me to tell you that he had everyone at the
transfer sing to me and everyone in the office did, too. He wanted me to report
to you ;)
I have the best family in the world!
Well I sure love ya, sorry I don´t have more time. I´ll talk
to you on Monday to let you know how everything went.
Love you all!
![]() |
Monday, September 22, 2014
Dear Family,
Boommmm Diiiiaaaaa! How is my lovely family? I´m doing
great, it really is a wonderful life. I just don´t know how it passes so fast.
Tomorrow I´ll be 21. That´s so old. Oh well.
So, I spoke in church yesterday. It was a really edifying
experience. I learned a lot. And it was very interesting that I learned more
giving the talk than I did in the preparation. The Spirit testified of simple
truths and lessons. I spoke about feeding the Lord´s sheep. I was able to share
some personal experiences that I had in Wyoming that many Brasilians never
have. I talked a little bit about the ranch and taking care of the animals, I
also shared some personal experiences I had had doing home teaching with Dad
and Grandpa. I talked about Bev and Howard and about some of my friends that
were baptized in high school. I´ll never forget those moments. I learned
valuable lessons.
Josefina was baptized this weekend. She is such a sweet,
humble lady. She´s a widow and has a son that doesn´t take very good care of
her. He´s more interested in drugs and his girlfriend. It really is a sad
situation, but she is so faithful. After the first time she went to church she
said her feet weren´t touching the ground. She returned home flying. She said
she´ll NEVER leave this church. It was so good to hear her testimony.
We´re also teaching an English teacher that has gone to
church a few times. His name is Nelson. He´s a great guy, but is having a hard
time leaving his other church. Sometimes we teach in English, it´s very strange
and a lot harder than you would think. We left a bunch of English Liahona´s for
him to give to his students and he´s given us a bunch of referrals. The work is
going great.
We have the multi-zone meetings this week, should be fun.
Pres. Dalton is going to train us on goals. (A training that he gave in his
business career many times and in many countries)
Etched in Stone
Always Reviewing
Supreme Being
Well I love you all and hope you have an incredible week.
September 15, 2014
Dear Family,
There are so many things going on in life, but we´re never
distressed, in despair, forsaken or destroyed. We are God´s people and He loves
us. He is on our side. I love the gospel and I´m grateful for the chance to
serve. I love you all and hope you have a great week!
September 8, 2014
Dear Family,
Elder Barker
Elder Barker and President Dalton |
September 1, 2014
Hey Mom!
Hope you had a great birthday. So, President doesn´t do that
call for anyone else, he was willing to do it for me, but I couldn´t tell
anyone else. He said that he left a message. Hope you liked it! So, I would
love to live in that house, I think it would be awesome. Elder Cole really
liked the idea too, but some of the Elders say that it isn´t good to live off
campus as a freshman or sophomore. But, I trust the Hamblins. What do Josh and
Hailey think of it?
For me, it´s great and Pres. already did the endorsement, he
said that he endorsed me full-heartedly :). I´ll send the pictures again, and I
still didn´t get the package, but I´ll keep an eye out. Thankk youuu!
Love you!
Dear Family,
Another great week has begun! We had a great week and good
things are happening in the mission. I ate at Fogo de Chão today. It was the
fanciest place I´ve been to eat maybe in my whole life. I didn´t know what half
of the stuff was. It´s a buffet but they bring the meat around like at Braza
Grill and Tucanos. They even had free mouth wash in the bathroom. Sweet.
Last night we went to a musical fireside in a ward called
Jardim Ângela. It was one of the best firesides I´ve ever seen. There is a lot
of talent down here in São Paulo. It certainly brought a strong spirit to all
that were there.
Well, congrats to the Red Devils on the win in Cheyenne.
Keep up the good work.
A new transfer is starting and I´m really excited. It´s been
fun preparing everything for this week. A lot of meetings and new things
So, I have to tell you about Renato and Laura. They are a
great couple and have two kids, Agatha (6) and Vinicius (5). Well on
Saturday, a half an hour before the baptism Laura wanted to give up and leave
it for another day. She didn´t really have a reason for wanting to quit, I
think she was just nervous and unsure about the future. Well, we talked with
them and told them they were ready and bore our testimonies and told them that
we loved them and just when I thought there was nothing more we could do, there
was a pause, and Laura started crying. She said, "Why wait?" "I
stopped smoking for this. I went to church for this. This is what I want."
It was incredible. It was a pretty chilly night and the water heater broke
(again) but that didn´t stop them. It was a very special experience. We´re
going to take them to the temple garden this week.
I love the gospel and know that families can be together forever.
Have a great week and month of September!
Elder Barker
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Monday, August 25, 2014
Dear Family,
I´m thinking about just sending
email every other week instead of every week, because it seems like they are
passing faster than ever. Just kidding. I will write every week, it´s a rule
from the Prophet. I´m doing great and I´m loving the work. Our area is being
extremely blessed. We´re having great experiences and the mission is doing
well. Happy Birthday for the best Mom in the world! Hope you have a great week
and that everything goes your way :). I love you so much! Have fun at school
and work! I loved the video of the family reunion! Crazy that Matt Johnson got
married. Good for them, I´m happy for them both. Sounds like the open house at
the temple will be pretty cool!
Well I love you all and hope you have a great week. I have
gained a strong testimony of obedience. It is the key to happiness. We can
always choose the right and trust in the Lord. He will bless us for being
obedient. Miracles really happen. God is a God of miracles and they will always
happen according to our faith. This is the true church of Christ, I bear my
testimony of it.
You guys are the best!
Monday, August 18, 2014
Dear family,
Everyone is getting excited about football season? I´m happy
for Reece, he´s a great guy. I can´t believe he´s home already.
So I read a talk about Remembering and Gratitude by Elder
Eyring. It´s a classic apparently. I realized how blessed I really am. We often
think that things are "ours" or "mine" when really we came
into this world with nothing. Everything that we have comes from the Lord. We
also often take for granted two of the greatest gifts, The Atonement and the
gift of the Holy Ghost.
I love the gospel. I especially love the hope it gives us
when we think there is none. And the relief that replaces regret. Families
really can be together forever. The Lord lives and loves us. We are so blessed.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Monday, August 11, 2014
Dear family,
Life is so good. I love hearing from you all. I am happily
working and life is flying. I´m constantly tired, but really happy. It´s a
different feeling, that I think we only have when we are serving the Lord.
Elder Cole is doing great, he loves McDonalds. I think I eat more fast food now
than I did in the U.S. It´s pretty sad. There´s a Burger King here in Santo
Amaro as well, so it´s pretty hard to avoid. We have an elevator in our
apartment, too, so I´m a little bit concerned with my weight. Gotta keep doing
I have learned a lot about faith these last few weeks.
Faith in Jesus Christ is the first principle of the gospel for a reason. When
we have faith, anything is possible! Sometimes it takes time, but our faith
really brings miracles. We just have to act, or exercise our faith. Think about
Peter. All of the other Apostles stayed in the boat, but when he saw the Lord
he took a few small steps onto the water. He felt a solid surface walking on
water! That´s incredible. But when he fell, Christ called him a "man of
little faith". If Peter is a man of little faith, what am I? Sometimes
people criticize Peter, but he is the only one that had the faith to leave the
boat. It´s hard for me to leave the comfort zone sometimes, but the miracles
happen when we "leave the boat".
Things in the area are great and there are so many cool
things going on in the mission.
Oh by the way, I got my birthday package this last week!
That was very fast. Thank you very much! I´m stoked to make the cake. And it
was perfect mom, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Have a great football season! Go Red Devils!
Love you all,
Elder Barker
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Monday, August 4, 2014
Dear Family,
I love you all and I´m grateful for all of you! This week
was great. A man named Eduardo was baptized on Saturday. His family was
baptized a few weeks ago, but he had to stop smoking. His son, Bruno baptized
him and it was really, really cool. This is a special family. They now have a
picture of the temple in their front room with the date of one year from the
baptism as a goal to be sealed. They are incredible! We´re also teaching some
of their friends in the same neighborhood. The other missionaries are some that
taught him before the transfer. I´m loving my new area and my companion. It´s
been really great. Thanks for the pictures and updates.
So, I don´t have much news. The days are blurring together
and the time is flying by even faster. Sounds like you had a good reunion! Too
bad that everyone got sick... Don´t worry about the emails mom. You are the
best. Tell Hailey happy birthday for me. She´s getting old! I know that this
work is true and that the Lord works with us according to our faith. Faith is
truly a principle of power. I´ve seen that so much is possible when I just
believe and ask for specific blessings. The Lord wants to bless us! He just
wants us to ask Him and show that we are dependent on Him. Love you all!
Mormon 9:21
Monday, July 28, 2014
Dear Family,
I hope all is well with you. How was the 24th? Is Kenzee
going to do anything cool for her birthday?
This was a very hectic week. I got transferred to one of the
best areas in the mission. It´s called Campo de Fora. It is really great. My
new companion´s name is Elder Cole. He´s lived in many places, but his family
is currently in St. George. He will be going home in October. He was a skater
before the mission. He skated with a lot of pros, he also likes wake boarding
and his dad is a brain surgeon. He is a great missionary, I´ve already learned
a lot with him. I got called as an assistant as well, so we´ve had a lot of
meetings and trainings to prepare. It´s been cool to work with Pres. Dalton a
little bit more. I was hoping to be able to train a new missionary to finish,
but I´m happy wherever the Lord wants me. I love being a missionary.
So is Preston Pace home? And how´s the summer going? Has it
been hot? It´s been pretty cold here lately.
I really know that these things are true. I love the Savior
and I love serving Him. I´ve seen so many things in these last few weeks, I
couldn´t write half of them. The gospel changes lives. We are so blessed, and
we don´t realize it sometimes. We have Temples that are so precious. Families
really can be together forever. God is our loving heavenly father, and he
really knows us personally. I love you all!
Elder Barker
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Monday, July 21, 2014
This was our temple trip that we made with investigators and
recent converts. It was a classy bus.
The other is The Ranieri Zone. It´s missing a couple of
missionaries, because it´s always like hearding cats trying to take pictures.
The Chilean in the front is a cool guy, he is a surfer. He surfed with Jack
Johnson! He was sponsored by Billabong and his name is Pablo Córdova. We also
have a couple of Valedictorians, a genius, a dancer and a lot of other talents.
Very cool people.
This was President Pinho´s last meeting with us. I´ll send a
new picture with Pres. Dalton soon. You´ll see the height difference!
Dear Will,
First of all I believe that you can NOT beat up Brad. Because he works out everyday. And even Kenzee can not. Our Kenzee. Are there any animals in Brazil? Because I heard there are monkeys😱. I need to be working more this summer, because mom says I work 100 hours I will get an iPod 6 or 5. I'm so exited!!! I love you please please PLEASE write back soon.
Love, Mia.
First of all I believe that you can NOT beat up Brad. Because he works out everyday. And even Kenzee can not. Our Kenzee. Are there any animals in Brazil? Because I heard there are monkeys😱. I need to be working more this summer, because mom says I work 100 hours I will get an iPod 6 or 5. I'm so exited!!! I love you please please PLEASE write back soon.
Love, Mia.
Hey! I work out everyday too, ya know. I´m a pretty
physically impressive missionary... Okay, maybe not impressive. There are all
kinds of animals here! Sooo many dogs and cats and rats and possums and owls
and cool birds and monkeys too ;)
Keep working hard. You´re the best!
Dear Family,
Thanks for the email. Very good to hear from you.
How was the week? Did you go on a trip? Pioneer Days this
week too. Fun Stuff. I like the family history stuff, keep sending it!
Well, I got transferred again. I don’t know where I’m
headed now, but I’m sure that there are great things in store.
The zone took 28 recent converts and investigators to the
temple garden on Saturday! The stake rented a bus for us to take.
It was really cool. We taught in the garden and went to the temple store
to buy things. It was a very good experience. And it helped the
investigators understand that baptism isn’t the end, it’s just the first
step. Well, not much to say this week. I sure do love you
all. Hope that everything is well and that you all keep writing me
;). Have a great week!
Elder Barker
Monday, July 14, 2014
Monday, July 14, 2014
Dear Family,
How was your week? Mine was fantastic! Happy anniversary Mom
and Dad. And Happy Birthday for you Dad. Hope you have a good.... 50th? Not
yet. But I love you both and hope you have a great week!
We had interviews with Pres. Dalton this last week. It was a
very good experience. We talked about the mission, family, goals for after the
mission and everything. Transfers are next week, I´ll let you know of any
The world cup is over, so that´s nice. Not as many
distractions now. And things are basically back to normal.
his word at the time of his coming in his glory.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Dear Family,
How was your week? Mine was great! We had the first leadership council with Pres. Dalton and then another meeting with all of the zones. Sister Dalton is great too. She doesn´t speak Portuguese, which is kind of nice. I like speaking english sometimes. Pres. Dalton showed a slide show of his life. I was impressed. He´s very humble for the kind of success he´s had. He played basketball in Powell, Wyoming. He said the coaches didn´t want him anywhere, but it was one of his goals, so he did it. Then he said that one of his goals was to graduate from Harvard. After being rejected once, he got in. THEN, he decided he wanted to graduate in the top 10 percent of the class. And he did it. He´s been the president of three companies and has given speeches in many parts of the U.S. He is a Huge (almost 7 foot), happy man. He has enough energy for the whole mission to feed off. We have a strong focus on the temple now. We´re going to take everyone to the temple. Investigators, Recent Converts and Less Actives. Everyone will be doing Family History and taking their own family names to the temple. Very cool.
Speaking of family history. In my zone there´s an Elder
Hardman. He´s from Liverpool, England. And I remember that story of our
ancestor Margaret Hardman also from Liverpool. Maybe we have ancestors in
common. Do you think Grandma Lynn could send me her generation chart and
Grandpa Jess?
We´re teaching a lot about the temple. It´s a new rule for
missionaries everywhere to teach the 5th lesson before and after the baptism.
It´ll be very good.
Woohoo! I got accepted to BYU. Thanks Uncle Jimmy. Now, I
just need to make a final decision.
I love you all and I know that families can be eternal. I
also know that there are many people in our family on the other side of the
veil waiting for their work to be done. Keep up the great work with family
history, because it truly is missionary work.
Love you all!
How was your week? Mine was great! We had the first leadership council with Pres. Dalton and then another meeting with all of the zones. Sister Dalton is great too. She doesn´t speak Portuguese, which is kind of nice. I like speaking english sometimes. Pres. Dalton showed a slide show of his life. I was impressed. He´s very humble for the kind of success he´s had. He played basketball in Powell, Wyoming. He said the coaches didn´t want him anywhere, but it was one of his goals, so he did it. Then he said that one of his goals was to graduate from Harvard. After being rejected once, he got in. THEN, he decided he wanted to graduate in the top 10 percent of the class. And he did it. He´s been the president of three companies and has given speeches in many parts of the U.S. He is a Huge (almost 7 foot), happy man. He has enough energy for the whole mission to feed off. We have a strong focus on the temple now. We´re going to take everyone to the temple. Investigators, Recent Converts and Less Actives. Everyone will be doing Family History and taking their own family names to the temple. Very cool.
Elder Barker Vai Brasil!!!!!!
Monday, June 30, 2014
Dear family,
I´m doing very well. Missionary life is the best life,
because you can´t go wrong serving the Lord. Life is good, can´t complain...
just that my sister is getting married in October. So much for waiting. I´m
just kidding, I´m happy for them and hope all goes well in preparation for the
wedding. I used to think that a month was a long time. I now realize that as
fast as you count them, they´re gone. We have a ward activity on Friday (4th of
July). Maybe we´ll make hamburgers and light of fireworks... Oh wait, they´ll
be doing that anyway for the Brasil game. It´ll be perfect.
How´s Grandma Barker doing? Tell her that I love her and am
praying for her. I´m sure that everything will be alright.
President and Sister Dalton got here on Friday. We have a
meeting with him tomorrow and then another one with the zones on Friday. He
sounds like a really good guy. He said in his letter that they were trained by
all 15 of the Apostles these last few weeks, so he´s definitely excited. The
zone is making progress and we´re excited for July.
Have I told you about Robson? He´s a cool guy. He´s been to
church the last few weeks and he´s preparing for baptism. He was just a street
contact that was really needing spiritual help. He showed up at church all by
himself (we didn´t follow up) and he said, `told you I would come`. Pretty
cool. He participates in protests and movements of some sort. He doesn´t like
the government, but he really likes the Book of Mormon, so that´s good. He will
serve well in the church.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Magic Syrup
World Cup Streets
FIFA 2014
Elder Will "Neymar"
Families are Forever
Dear Family,
doing great! Ranieri is a blessing. New President is getting here on Friday, I
think. Tomorrow is our last meeting with Pres. Pinho. It should be good. Brasil
is winning so the people are happy. It really hasn´t been too crazy. Just a lot
of fireworks and people drinking, but we´ve been staying home every game.
Yesterday we made Pancakes and I introduced `magic syrup` to the other Elders.
They liked. I made french toast today, too. Good stuff.
faith and desire is so important as a missionary. I think it´s important in all
aspects of our life. Something I´ve learned is that there is never ´lack´ of
desire, there only exists a greater desire to do something else. If someone
doesn´t have desire to work, it just means they have a greater desire to stay
at home. We can control our desires. It´s so cool and simple. We simply have to
want to want it. Our thoughts determine our desires.
you all!
Monday, June 16, 2014
Dear family,
How´s it going? Good to hear from everyone and sounds like
you a had a good week. I´m in a new area called Ranieri, it´s in the
Guarapiranga stake. My new companion is Elder Dudley. He´s from Detroit,
Michigan. I´d already worked with E. Dudley before, not as companions, but we
were togeter in Parelheiros and Itapecerica. We´re happy to be together a gain.
He calls our area the ghetto, but it´s really not. Maybe Monte has heard of
Flint, Michigan. He says it reminds him of Flint. We´re teaching some great people
and the Bishop is young and has a lot of energy. The Stake President is also
excited. This stake is very close to splitting. We´ve been making plans to be
able to help out a little.
Some of my best friends on the mission went home this last week. So weird and really sad, but life goes on. Did Preston Pace already get home as well? Hey, I got the Dear Elder package with the Peanut Butter. I love getting those things. Thank you! I live with another companionship of Elders and everyone is asking their mom´s for a package like that now. So... with the World Cup we stayed at home on Thursday and we have to stay home again tomorrow (Brasil is playing). So, tomorrow is really our P-day, we´re just sending email today. Next week we´re going to stay home on Monday and email on Tuesday. It hasn´t been too crazy yet, but it is an interesting environment. It´s like the 4th of July or Christmas, but a lot bigger, at least when Brasil is playing. You also have the protestors, a small percentage of the people, who are against the government saying that they spent way too much money on the Cup when they had bigger problems to worry about. The´re never satisfied. Vai Brrraaassiiilll!
The work goes on. I had the opportunity to go back to my last area for some baptisms on Saturday. Very convenient, because it borders my new area. I baptized a man named Agnaldo. His nickname is Alemão, which means German. He´s a big white guy that didn´t even participate in the lessons when we taught his family. He was always drinking when we went over. The week before he left he said that he wanted to talk to us. He said that he wanted to drop the addictions and be baptized. He was so determined that he stopped with everything in two days, aclohol, smoking, coffee and tea. He got sick and went through withdrawals, but he stayed clean the whole week. He was the happiest I had ever seen him this weekend. He was baptized and now his whole family are members. They can´t wait to pass through the temple. I´m so happy for them. I know that this gospel really changes lives. The atonement was not made for just a few people or just some sins. It was the eternal and infinite sacrifice. Christ came to heal the sinner, each of us. I saw the miracle of the atonement in the life of Agnaldo. I know and testify that we can always be forgiven of our sins. There is always hope. I love you all!
Elder Barker
Monday, June 9, 2014
week was good. We had the mission conference and Pres. Pinho gave like a three
hour training. It was awesome. We also watched Ephraim´s Rescue, which I really
liked as well. Have you already seen it? The meeting was really good. They had
a clip of Pres. and Sis. Dalton talking to us, so that was neat to see them,
told me that Hollywood is making a Book of Mormon movie, is that true? You´ll
have to check it out, because Mormon rumors are so distorted by the time they
get to São Paulo.
also had a stake conference this last weekend. It was a transmission for 101
stakes and 13 districts in Sâo Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. It was a broadcast
from Salt Lake by Elder Ballard, Elder Scott, Carol Stevens and Ulysses Soares.
Very good. We took some investigators and they really felt the spirit. They
slept a little bit as well, but at least they felt the spirit. The theme was
basically Hastening the work and the Work of Salvation, but what impresses me
more and more is that the Prophet and Apostles aren´t as worried about bringing
in new members as they are about protecting and saving the very members of the
church. The work of salvation is not just to baptize more people. It is about
that, but it also includes saving the families that we already have and getting
them to the temple. That is why `Now is the time for members and missionaries
to work together` because members need the spiritual protection that comes from
missionary work. Family History is the same thing. When we´re anxiously engaged
in a good cause we don´t have time to sin. Everyone was talking about
missionary work the whole weekend, and then when Elder Scott got up to talk (In
Portuguese) he spoke about prayer, our family relationships and the temple.
Elder Ballard talked about technology, pornography, family, and the temple.
They stressed that the laws of the land will never change the laws of God. The
family is under attack and we´re going to have to bear down and protect our
beliefs. It was very edifying.
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